Posted by: zerofreedom | November 12, 2008

Converting K610/K618/V630, Z610 and K530 to W660. Full Guide!

Do NOT copy this guide without my permission!
I will be able to track copies!
You have been warned!

Please note that the Z610 to W660 has not been extensively tested!
You are doing this at your own risk!

Z610@W660 currently has no OLED screen (the external screen)
The person who tested Z610@W660 for me said that it did work,
but he didn’t tell me that he used a patch to make it work.
(Either that or I misread his post)
And such patch can’t seem to be found so for the time being
there’s no external screen on Z610@W660, despite what the guide says
(I’ll edit it later…)

This guide will tell you how to convert your K610/K618/V630, Z610 and K530 to a W660 without the bugs (Like the Walkman crashing).
My Converted V630>W660 video.

What you gain by flashing to W660
Walkman 2 (You can skin it!)
Flash Support (Standby, Screensaver and Menu)
Updated Java version
If your phone is branded, this will debrand it.
Z610 Users: Please note that you will lose both cameras!

Important Notice
This procedure will void your warranty!
And a problem during the procedure may and probably will damage your phone.
And if your phone does get damaged, in no way is it my responsibility!
I cannot guarantee that this guide is 100% correct.

Step 1: Backing up your files.
Everything saved on the phone will be deleted!

So backup your contacts to your memory card:
Contacts > Options > Advanced > Backup to M.S.

Use MyPhoneExplorer to backup your messages:

And also move your stuff that’s saved on the phone to your Memory Stick.

Note: Applications and Games will be deleted, regardless of being saved on the phone or Memory Stick.

Once you’ve backed up your stuff, move onto Step 2.

Step 2: Flashing the firmware.
If you wish to keep your warranty and not continue, STOP NOW!

First connect your phone to the Sony Ericsson Update Service:…39?cc=gb&lc=en
(Select your real phone here, K610/K618/V630, Z610 or K530, NOT W660!)
Just follow the instructions, this will install the drivers needed to do this.

Once you’ve done that, download XS++ 3.1:

Once downloaded, open XS++.exe, and connect your phone.
Once connected, it should display some information about your phone.
The EROM CID must be 52 (OTP CID doesn’t matter), if not, XS++ will ask if you want to upgrade to CID 52.
Now, click the GDFS tab then click ‘Backup GDFS’.

This will make a backup of your GDFS, which will restore your phone in 90% of cases of a bad flash.

Do not disconnect during “flashing” operations or you may damage your phone!
Only disconnect your phone when XS++ says “Disconnected… Unplug the phone”!

Once the GDFS backup is done, XS++ will disconnect your phone.

Now you need the firmware.
Look for W660 R8BB001 GENERIC firmware on 4shared, TopSE, iProTebe or if you have access TopSony.

You need:
MAIN (Download) (Username & Password: bugmenot)
FS (Must also be R8BB001, there are some here.)
Custpack (Must have same region as FS, but not necessarily W660)
Important Information!:
Many people have experienced the “Configuration Error“.
This is because they did not download a custpack!
You NEED to download a custpack and extract the files (with folders) into the ‘own_custpack‘ folder in the XS++ directory.

(Don’t know what region you need? Look here)

If it’s a K610/K618/V630 (NOT Z610 or K530) you also need:
K610 Camera Drivers (Download:
K610 Display Driver (Download:
Modified Light Effect (Download:
SEtool2 Lite 1.11 (Download Here)
Illumination Patch (Download:

If you are converting a Z610 then you will need the Z610 display drivers: (Password: solidsnake204)

Once you’ve got the firmware, open the Custpack and extract it (with Folders!) to the own_custpack folder in the XS++ directory.
Make sure that your phone is charged 100%!
Once you’ve done that open XS++ and then connect your phone.
It should automatically go to the Flash tab.
Tick ‘Flash Main Firmware’ and browse to the MAIN file. (It should be a .mbn file)
Tick ‘Flash File System’ and browse to the FS file. (It should be a .fbn file)
Tick ‘Customize File System’ and in ‘Phone Model’ select ‘Own custpack

Your XS++ screen should look similar to this:

Now click ‘Flash’.
Once it’s done, XS++ will say “Disconnected… Unplug the phone”
When it says that, unplug the USB cable, take out then re-insert the battery, then turn it on.

K530 users: Your phone will now be converted. There is no need for you to continue the guide.

K610/K618/V630 and Z610 users: Continue with the guide.

It should turn on find, but you will notice that the screen colours are inverted, and the walkman will crash when run (Except on Z610).
We’ll be fixing those problems in the next few steps.

Step 3: Fixing the screen, camera, and partly the walkman.
Switch off the phone, remove then reinsert the battery and start XS++.
Connect your phone, and click on the FSX tab, then click ‘Start FSX’
Now wait until XS++ says “Device FS mapped…OK!”
Now browse to ifs/settings/display. You should have a screen like this:

Now download (or if converting a Z610) and extract the dispdriver0.dat (and dispdriver1.dat if converting a Z610), then drag the file (both files if converting a Z610)) into the ‘Enumerated Files’ pane, XS++ will now upload the new display driver(s).

Z610 Users ONLY: Now browse to ifs/settings/camera and delete “camdriver0.dat” and “camdriver1.dat“.
Then click the “Shutdown FS” button and then disconnect your phone when XS++ says you can.
You are now finished! Please stop here!
(K610/K618/V630 users continue on with the guide)

Now browse to ifs/settings/camera, extract the camdriver0.dat and camdriver1.dat from the ZIP and again place them in the ‘Enumerated files’ pane.
Now browse to tpa/preset/system/lighteffects/system, extract the power_up_musicmode.ble from the ZIP and drag into the ‘Enumerated Files’ pane.
Now click ‘Shutdown FSX’, and when XS++ says to, disconnect your phone.

Step 4: Making the walkman work.

This process can take a while! If you don’t have much time, do not do this now!

Download SEtool2 Lite 1.11 (Download) and extract it somewhere.
Now, go into the SEtool2 Lite folder then into the qamaker folder, and drag your MAIN file onto the qamaker.exe icon, a ‘Quick Access Patch’ will be made.

~ The Quick Access Patch is required to patch DB2020 CID52 phones ~

Now start SEtool2 Lite, select W660 as the phone type and then click ‘Read GDFS’.
It will make a copy of your GDFS, like XS++ did, and DO NOT disconnect the phone or press Stop until SEtool says “Elapsed: xx secs.”
Disconnect the USB cable, remove the battery then reinsert it.

Make sure W660 is selected as Phone Type, tick ‘Bypass DB2020 security’.
In the files box, click ‘Add’ and add the MAIN file.
Then in the MISC files box, add the Quick Access patch you generated not long ago.
Your SEtool2 LITE window should look a bit like this:

If it does, click FLASH.

It will then ask you to connect your phone, so connect it, and it will begin.
During the process, it may ask you to unplug the phone, remove then reinsert the battery, click READY then connect the phone.
So don’t leave the computer or minimise the window!

During the process, it may look like the program has stopped/crashed/finished but it hasn’t!
Only disconnect when SEtool2 LITE says “Elapsed: xx secs.”
This process may take about 30 mins!

Once done, SEtool2 LITE will say “Elapsed: xx secs.” (Or “Elapsed: xxxxxx secs.” )
Unplug the phone, remove the battery then reinsert it.

-That’s the long bit over-

Download (Pass: solidsnake204) and extract the illumination patch.
Now in SEtool2 Lite, make sure W660 is selected as Phone type, uncheck ‘Bypass DB2020 security‘, and check ‘Use “quick access” patch’, (if it hasn’t already) remove the MAIN from the files box, and in the MISC files box, browse to the Illumination Patch you just extracted.
Your SEtool Lite window should look a bit like this:

If it does, then click WRITE SCRIPT.
Take care NOT to press WRITE GDFS as that will damage your phone!

It will now patch your phone, now a lot quicker because you just applied the quick access patch.

Once SEtool2 Lite has finished (when it says “Elapsed: xx secs.”) disconnect your phone, remove the battery then reinsert, then turn it on.
Don’t just automatically go to the walkman as it will crash, because you need to set the brightness to 50% or 60%.

Once you’ve set the brightness, walkman will work. Enjoy!

Copy Infomation

If you wish to post this guide on another website/forum please PM me.
The other guide MUST:
– Say either at the top or the Bottom “Guide by Solidsnake204”
– A link to this guide around the same place where the above is.
– NOT say that you made the guide (Credit for translation IS allowed)
Any unauthorised copies WILL be tracked!

Allowed Guides: (Translated)…d.php?t=221597

source =>>>>>


  1. yang bahasa jawa …eh indo ada ga :ngacir:

  2. @mbah noufalz ……
    sabar mbah …….. masih dalam proses …….. :-p

  3. Bang
    Dapetin setool2 lite 1.11 yg gg pake trojan horse gmna?
    Soal’y dah nyari, tp hampir smwa’y ad trojan’y

    Apa anti virus d pc ane hrus d non aktifin dlu gto ya?
    Bahaya gg klo gto?
    Ntar trojan’y bakal gmn?

    Maap banyak nanya, msi newbie
    Ohya jwbn’y kirim ke email jga ya

  4. Bang
    Dapetin setool2 lite 1.11 yg gg pake trojan horse gmna?
    Soal’y dah nyari, tp hampir smwa’y ad trojan’y

    Apa anti virus d pc ane hrus d non aktifin dlu gto ya?
    Bahaya gg klo gto?
    Ntar trojan’y bakal gmn?

    Maap banyak nanya, msi newbie
    Ohya jwbn’y kirim ke email jga ya
    Makasih banyak sebanyak banyak’y

  5. @Dhi
    slow aja bro itu bkan trojan kok,, anti virus nya aja yang terlalu su’uzhon …. xixixixiiii……
    tapi emg gtu sich,, klo emg mau aman pake farmanager aja or XS++ …. 😀

  6. brow kalo W660 fullflash pake SE_TOOL sukses , trus pada saat start_up hanya LOGO SONER ?? kira kira apanay ya brow,, apa ada solusi selaiin repair GDFS log supreme & test point… ada nggak solusi selain itu

  7. @brintiq
    btw cuma bisa distart up doang atau gimana ??
    ke stanby nya bisa gak?
    coba aja flash ulang lagi …. 😀

  8. Do NOT copy this guide without my permission!
    I will be able to track copies!

    Udah minta ijin blum bro ;))
    Hagz hagz… 😀

    aku tambahin.. supaya K60bs jalan normal masih perlu patch ini:
    ________________start here_________________

    ;W660 R8BB001
    ;Turn orange lights completely off
    ;Now Walkman not works at K610@W660 even if the backlight is at 100%
    ;Kompletní deaktivace oranžových LED diod
    ;Walkman bude plne funkcní na K610@W660 i pri podsvetlení 100%
    ; (C) MoneyMasteR aka DoCent
    453C4A2C: 01F0DAF9 C046C046
    453C4A40: 01F036FA C046C046
    453C4A54: 01F058FA C046C046

    _______________end here_________________

    Bro bro minta cendol donk 😀

  9. ehralat tulisan diatas.. bkn k60 tp k610 :p

  10. I noticed that this is not the first time at all that you write about this topic. Why have you decided to write about it again?

  11. harus minta passwor rf

  12. Brow cr drives cameras,lights,ilumnation yg zip for se k610i t cari dimana kok ngak d link downloadnya!

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